
Our training sessions are the result of experience and expertise gained over 15 years of work with SCADA systems, especially with Proficy iFIX.

They are aimed at engineers, programmers, solution architects and people interested in industrial automation.

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iFIX licenses in Poland

Open Training

Our open training sessions have been appreciated by the industry for many years. We have created our own coursebooks, tailored to the needs of the Polish user, constantly updating the program and improving methods. We based the programs on our practical knowledge, gained through experience and daily work with GE Digital software. We have developed 11 own programs that complement each other. We also conduct training in English!

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Dedicated training

Training sessions dedicated to those who expect an individual approach. These training sessions differ from open training in an individual selection of training topics (e.g. for a specific project). In this case, the date and duration of the training is determined individually. We can also add to the offer... a bit of entertainment after the training. Such training is an excellent opportunity for team integration. We have already conducted training courses with canoeing, off-road car and quad rides... and a bonfire. This type of training combines the pleasant with the useful and will be long remembered by the participants.

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Online training

The 21st century is the age of remote working. You don't need to leave your office to take part in a training! You can do it online! In this case, the date and duration of the training is determined individually. You are welcome to familiarize yourself with the topics covered by the open training sessions. On their basis, we create training tailored to your needs! You can undergo a full training or a shortened version. Training sessions are conducted via the modern Clickmeeting platform (you will need a browser) and TeamViewer application. You can use two monitors for your convenience, but this is not necessary. Talk to our training specialist and find out more: 32 358 20 23 or write to us at

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Increase your competence in the automation market

VIX training sessions are first-hand knowledge from practitioners, technicians, implementers who work with GE Digital software on a daily basis.

Check topics covered by our training sessions

Learn more about what aspects of GE Digital systems we discuss at our training sessions. For dates of the next sessions, visit our blog!

  • Duration: 3 training days, 8 hours per day.

    The program:

    1. iFIX Instalation

    2. Creating projects

    • system configuration (SCU)
    • creating new projects
    • backups
    • transferring projects

    3. iFIX Workspace

    • creation and real time display of pictures
    • management of multiple pictures in the app

    4. iFIX Process database – structure and tools

    5. Pictures

    • creation and management methods
    • multi-monitor app

    6. Keyboard macros – switching windows using function keys

    7. Simulation registers – creation of advanced picture simulations

    8. Alerts

    9. iFIX application protection system – control of access to pictures and variables

    10. Using schedules to handle events

    11. Reference Locator, Global Search & Replace tool – introducing changes to multiple pictures simultaneously

    12. Archiving Process Data – Proficy Historian industrial database

    13.Tag Group technology

    14. PLC drivers

    15. Additional tools

    • using the .NET controls
    • activeX
    • groups of diagrams

    16. Network Solutions

  • Duration: 3 training days, 8 hours per day.

    The program:

    1. Diagnostics
    • Troubleshooting network problems
    • Database diagnostic tools
    • Picture scripts – VBA debugger
    1. Advanced alerting– different types of alerting in iFIX system
    2. Alerts to ODBC – transmission of alerts to the relational database
    3. VisiconX Object – data presentation
    4. Electronic signatures
    5. Advanced data blocks – SQT and SQD
    6. Multiple monitors applications
    7. Block group technology – TGD as Global Glossary
    8. Language versions
    9. Dynamo Objects – animated elements of synoptic screens
    10. Optimizing Application
    11. Application Validator – checking file versions during remote operation
    12. Redundancy
    13. Discovery & Auto Configure tool – downloading block information from PLC driver program files or OPC servers
    14. DDE in IGS – communication protocol between applications when changing data values
    15. OPC – remote connection configuration
    16. Webspace – configuration and control panel
  • Duration: 1 or 2 training days, 8 hours per day.

    The program:

    1. Administering the Proficy Historian server
    • system statistics
    • screen displaying operations on tags, collectors and data files
    • system message screen
    1. Data storage – screen displaying operations on data storage and archives
    2. Access protection
    3. Entering data into Historian system data collectors
    • installing a Historian system data collector
    • configuring the Historian system data collector for automatic start-up
    • collector redundancy
    1. iFIX system data collector
    2. OPC collector
    3. ODBC collector
    4. File collector
    5. Types of data identified by the user
    6. Enumeration variables
    7. Historian clients
    • Historian Interactive SQL application
    • Proficy Real Time Information Portal SQL
    • Microsoft Excel
    • Microsoft SQL Server linked servers
    • VisiconX
    • Visual Basic and ADO
    1. Excel Add-inn for the Historian system – defining reports
    2. OLE DB
    • working with the syntax of SQL, SELECT, SET formulas
    • general guidelines for preparing a query
    • parametrized SQL queries
    • connecting to OLE DB Provider
    1. Logging alerts and events
    2. Linking servers
    3. Historian server as the source for OPC HDA
    • supported Historian OPC HDA server attributes and quality values
    • configuring Windows XP or Vista system firewalls to operate with remote OPC servers
    • connecting and disconnecting from the OPC HDA server
    1. Calculation collector
    • performing calculations, calculation tab
    • source, target and trigger type tags
    • creating calculation formulas using a wizard and types of supported functions
    1. Server-to-server collector – collecting data from other servers
    2. Historian Server-To-Server
    3. Historian Trend Client
  • Duration: 2 training days, 8 hours per day.

    The program:

    1. What is Visual Basic language?
    2. VBA environment in iFIX
    • editor screen elements
    • FIX environment code writing
    1. VBA language description
    • language keywords
    • mathematical and logical operators
    • types of data in VBA
    • constants and variables
    • declaration of constants, variables and objects
    • data structures
    • dialog boxes
    • comments
    • object-orientation in VBA language
    1. Functions and procedures
    • writing functions and procedures in VBA language
    • methods for calling functions and procedures
    • sending function and procedure parameters
    • DoEvents statement
    • GoTo statement
    • conditional statements If…Then…Else, Select Case
    1. Do Loop, For Next loops
    2. Panels and collections
    3. Fixed values
    • enum enumeration type
    • const type variables
    • environmental variables
    1. References
    2. VBA Debugger
    • code navigation
    • code breakpoints
    • variable value view
    • running the code
    • debugging using MsgBox
    • error management
    • Immediate box
    1. File operations
    2. Advanced file operations
    3. Win API – Declare statement
    4. Toolbars
  • Duration: 3 training days, 8 hours per day.

    The program:

    1. Advanced iFIX project structure
    • module composition
    • class implementation
    1. iFIX ribbon – adding own functionality to the iFIX context menu ribbon
    2. Block group technology
    • advanced iFIX applications using TGD files
    • creating TGD files from the VBA level
    1. Proficy Historian
    • access to historical data using SDK
    • operating the file collector (working with XML and CSV files)
    1. Relational databases
    • SQL operations on a relational database
    • ADO technology
    • iFIX diagram with relational database data
    • access to historical data using ADO and the GE Historian OLE DB source
    1. Advanced iFIX diagram functions
    • adding / deleting markers
    • marker color change
    • navigation in time
    1. Interfering in IDE during code execution
    • adding procedures
    • adding modules
    1. Using MS Office
    • creating a report in xls, pdf format
    • creating a report in doc, pdf format
    1. Advanced data presentation tools – using msfFlexGrid
  • Duration: 2 training days, 16 hours.

    The program: Reporting in Dream Report

    7. SERIES
    8. TABLES
    10. INDEXES
    15. WEB PORTAL
  • Duration: 1 training day, 8 hours.

    During training, a theoretical knowledge on the library will be passed and practical exercises of a gradually developing programming project implemented. The outcome of the project is an application covering the major Client Access API library functionalities.

    The training requires basic knowledge on C# language, object programming and the industrial Proficy Historian database.

    The program:

    1. .NET and Historian requirements
    2. Project configuration
    3. Database connection
    4. Tag operations
    5. Data management
    6. Server management
    7. Archive
    8. Data storage
    9. Collector
    10. Data type
    11. Enumeration
  • Duration: 1 training day, 8 hours.

    The program:

    1. Introduction
    • General information
    • Possibilities
    1. Historian Excel Add-In installation
    • Equipment and software requirements
    • Installation
    • Add-in configuration
    • Defining reports
    • Excel Add-in – Administrator
    1. Historian Excel Add-In functionality
    • Searching
    • Editing
    • Administrator
    • Settings and support
    1. Beginner exercises
    • Running the add-in
    • Creating queries concerning Tags variables
    • Creating queries concerning current variable values
    • Exporting variable information from Historian
    • Modifying and importing data using Excel
    1. Advanced exercises
    • Shift report
    • Batch production
    • Daily consumption of utilities report
    • Statistical data analysis
    • Event report
  • Duration: 3 training days, 8 hours per day.

    The program: Proficy Plant Applications – Efficiency & Quality module


    1.1. Plant Application – MES software

    1.2. Monitoring the effectiveness of production process

    1.3. System Architecture

    1.4. – Equipment and software requirements


    2.1. Plant Applications Administrator

    2.2. Plant Applications Client


    3.1. Description of the demonstration production plant

    3.2. Transfer of data to the industrial database

    3.3. Connecting the system to the industrial database

    3.4. Virtual plant configuration

    3.5. Web server operation – sample reports

    3.6. Example of report generating in Excel Add-In

    3.7. Example of Excel report publication in the form of a web page

    3.8. Reporting in Vision

    3.9. Integration of the HMI/SCADA IFIX system

  • The program:

    1. Managing GE licences within the plant,
    2. iFIX project management
    3. Historian management
    4. Drivers configuration and modification,
    5. Database configuration and modification,
    6. Historian configuration and modification,
    7. Picture modifications,
    8. Alerting,
    9. Historical alerts,
    10. Security system management,
    11. Creating simple Dynamo objects,
    12. Creating reports in Historian Trend Client,
    13. Downloading data in Excel Add-In (simple report creation)
    14. Elements of debugging with Visual Basic

    Optional: presentation of Webspace software, WIN 911, Web HMI


    For clients from one company, there is an option to analyze the existing client’s application.

    Q&A session

  • Duration: 2 training days, 8 hours per day.

    The program:

    2. System protection
    3. Advanced point parameters
    4. Graphics
    5. Smart objects
    6. Alerting
    7. Data logging
    8. VISCONX
    9. Trends
    10. Signals generator – scripts
    11. Automatic application launcher
    12. Web Clients, VisiconX

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justyna gembalczyk

Justyna Gembalczyk

Responsible for VIX Automation training department

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