OEE Analysis

The OEE indicator is one of the most popular parameters for determining production efficiency. Automate the calculation process and stop calculating OEE manually!

Reliable results based on automatically (and therefore correctly) collected data together with appropriately categorized information about sources of downtime and other efficiency losses allow us to find areas where we will get the fastest return on investment.

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We can apply various solutions to improve your OEE

Before starting work, we carry out an audit, and then, together with you, we choose the best path of software development to implement. You can use our proprietary VIX Automation solutions, based on data collected in Proficy Historian, or you can choose our simple reporting systems.

Learn more about Proficy Historian

Choose a solution tailored to your business

The pre-implementation audit and solution design can guide our joint decision towards choosing Proficy Plant Applications - the Efficiency module.

Find out more about Proficy Plant Applications

What does our implementation include?

Our services are not limited solely to the implementation of software for calculating OEE (for individual products, shifts, operators and many other contexts, as well as in any time period), but also include:

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    pre-implementation audit and support at the solution design stage

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    Line preparation

    preparation of lines for automatic OEE measurement (often connected with the necessity to install additional measurement sensors)

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    Communication with PLC

    collection of the required process information in industrial databases (e.g. Proficy Historian)

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    Adaptation to the industry

    development of appropriate algorithms and calculations (matching the specifics of a given industry)

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    Creation of downtime trees

    creation of downtime reason trees and trees of other production events, together with a recommendation of best practices in this area

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    Support in interpretation

    assistance in proper interpretation of the results obtained, which is often the most important element of implementation

Analiza OEE


Depending on the customer’s needs and situation, this issue covers many other complex aspects, including:

  • determination of the level of current (temporary) and cumulative OEE for the whole shift
  • OEE indicator for individual units and entire lines with the identification of bottlenecks
  • determination of OEE for specific products, shifts, operators and many other contexts
  • categorization and registration of types and causes of downtime (Pareto analyses)
  • analysis of micro-downtimes and their impact on OEE


OEE analysis for the paper machine

Implementation based on a dedicated application, using data collected in the Proficy Historian repository. These data come directly from the machines and from the operators (reasons for downtime entered manually using the ergonomic interface). Downtime analysis by category enables the identification of the main production problems on an ongoing basis. Integration with SCADA software.

OEE analysis for the packing line

The implementation in the food industry with the use of the MES Proficy Plant Applications system and the Proficy Historian data archiver increased the overall efficiency of the packaging department by 10%. The implementation also included adapting the lines to the needs of automatic collection of the required data. For better information of the employees, a large format screen was used to keep them informed about the cumulative OEE for the shift as well as the progress of production in relation to the plan.

OEE analysis for discrete manufacturing

OEE analysis for large-scale discrete manufacturing. In creating a system based on Proficy Plant Applications, a system was also used to determine the production rate by means of finished element counters and quality analysis (and waste counting) using a video detection system.

OEE analysis for the operations optimization

In industrial companies and production plants, the issue of process optimization is one of the key issues for improving the efficiency and minimizing the company’s operating costs. Management science provides many tools to optimize activities – including the entire group of lean management tools. Modern lean management tools are based on IT solutions that are being implemented to an increasing extent. The flagship example of this type of technology is automatic OEE analysis.

What is OEE analysis?

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is an indicator that determines the so-called total equipment efficiency – effective use of the main machines and devices used in the production plant. Manual OEE analysis is very time-consuming, with a multiple observations of functioning of the machine park individual elements. OEE analisys allows you to find out the reasons for downtime, analyze the working time of machines and possible equipment defects. An essential element of proper OEE analysis is the feedback, i.e. reporting key parameters of the machine park. Modern automatic OEE analysis allows for significant simplification and optimization of this process.

Implementation of automatic OEE analysis

The use of modern VIX Automation solutions  allows for complex and error-free OEE calculations. The scheme of implementation is as follows:

  • performing an audit and creating concept for OEE solutions;
  • preparation of the machine park (including the production line) for OEE measurement;
  • taking measurements and collecting information in databases;
  • construction of downtime trees and recommendation of actions and best practices;
  • analysis and interpretation of the obtained results.

The most important functionalities of OEE systems

From the point of view of a thorough analysis of production processes, it is necessary to calculate the OEE indicator determined in various contexts, such as: shift, week, month, product, order. The best systems allow to determine the level of the current and cumulative OEE indicator, analyze and categorize downtime, etc. In the final reporting, it is important that the system accurately presents the individual elements of the indicator: availability, performance and quality. VIX Automation IT systems also provides very good visualization of individual elements of the OEE indicator.

Would you like to calculate OEE more efficiently in your company?

Be sure to let us know!

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