New sample systems in iFIX

Proficy SCADA iFIX version 6.5 includes very usefull and valued by customers feature: restored SCADA sample systems in brand new design. Profcy iFIX 6.5 users receives two completely new sample systems, designed in accordance with the ISA 101 standard – a juice factory and a water treatment plant.

In the latest version of GE Digital’s SCADA software – Proficy iFIX 2022, the sample systems have been further expanded with the Productivity Tools package. The user has at his disposal, apart from the aforementioned systems, also sample applications for the pharmaceutical, chemical and energy industries.

The sample systems can run in demo mode, thus they are a perfect getting started tool e.g. for students or iFIX beginners. Just a few seconds after installing Proficy iFIX, the user has access to two extensive applications, without the need to do any programming work or create synoptic screens from scratch and can test possibilities and mechanisms of Proficy iFIX on a live SCADA application.

ifix system przykładowy

For users who already had contact with iFIX, the sample systems are also useful – they speed up the work with the application, present the news of version 6.5 and current trends in the design of synoptic screens. Playing the role of a SCADA operator of a virtual juice factory or a water treatment plant, the user can see how the use of gray and tuned down colors increases the readability and transparency of the application and facilitates the detection of alarm states.

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