After the Integrator 4.0 on Tour event

After the Integrator 4.0 on Tour series of meetings

On October 9, 11 and 17, we held a series of “Integrator 4.0 on Tour” meetings, dedicated to automation system integrators who work with Proficy systems from GE Vernova.

During our tour we covered almost 900 km and visited three cities: Wroclaw, Chorzow and Strykow (near Lodz). The event brought together almost 50 outstanding industry professionals who had the opportunity to exchange experiences and learn about technological innovations from the world of Proficy software and more!

integrator 4.0 on tour

Paweł Czepiel (VIX Automation)

The premiere of the Polish version of Proficy iFIX 2024 software took place during the event. Participants were the first to see useful software templates for industrial analytics – Proficy CSense 2024 SCADA Starter Runtime, the license of which is included free of charge in the latest versions of Proficy SCADA systems.

The event was graced with the presence and lectures of guests from few partner companies:

Michał Jarzyński – representative of the Proficy systems producer – GE Vernova, showed the potential hidden in the combination of production supervision (using the SCADA system) with industrial analytics (with Proficy CSense templates). According to GE Vernova, this is the direction in which SCADA systems should develop (from Supervisory to Advisory). It is hard to disagree that thanks to such an evolution of production control systems, the industry will gain a lot, and Proficy iFIX is already more than just SCADA.

During the live demo, Michał also presented the capabilities of Proficy Operations Hub – an accessible, multi-source data visualization tool and Gartner’s award-winning MES system.

integrator 4.0 on tour

Michał Jarzyński (GE Vernova)

Operations Hub is our answer to the “Single Pane of Glass” concept, which has existed in the software world for quite a long time, but is increasingly entering the world of industrial software. Thanks to this, the user uses one interface for their daily tasks and the application has access to data from various sources.

Michał Jarzyński

GE Vernova

Steve Szabo z firmy SmartSights – joined us virtually from Grenoble, France, and presented the capabilities of the Win-911 system for advanced alarm handling (SMS, mobile app, escalations, etc.), which integrates seamlessly with Proficy SCADA systems.

Jakub Grabowski (Chorzów/Stryków) and  Łukasz Grabowski (Wrocław) from FibCode – answered the question whether the introduction of the NIS2 directive is an opportunity or a challenge for Polish entrepreneurs.

integrator 4.0 on tour

Jakub Grabowski (FibCode)

In addition to the guest speakers, the participants also listened to the presentations by the VIX Automation team, on topics including this year’s Proficy software releases (Historian 2024, Cimplicity 2024), the new way of working with Proficy systems (so-called centralized management with Proficy Configuration Hub) or VIX Automation solutions supporting digital transformation. Those present had the opportunity to learn about new opportunities for cooperation with VIX Automation, based on an individualized approach and synergy of activities.

Cykl Integrator 4.0 to dla nas tradycyjnie nie tylko okazja do podzielenia się aktualną wiedzą o najnowszych rozwiązaniach IT dla przemysłu, ale także niezwykle ważna szansa na spotkanie się z wieloletnimi partnerami oraz poznanie nowych firm integratorskich i nawiązanie z nimi współpracy. That is why we are very pleased that this year's edition has met with such great interest.

Paweł Czepiel

VIX Automation

The guests also received a handful of practical tips from representatives of our reliable technical support (Łukasz Buczek and Piotr Marynowski), regarding the principles of safe work with Proficy systems and project migration.

An important element of the event was the integration and networking part. During the bowling game, apart from great fun, we had the opportunity to freely exchange experiences and have inspiring discussions.

Thank you and see you at future events!

integrator 4.0 on tour

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