Case study: SCADA and ERP integration

About company:

A manufacturer of construction chemicals (plaster, impregnations, sealants, facade paints) with long history, distributing products them not only in Poland, but also abroad.

About implementation:

VIX Automation experts implemented the module for integrating Proficy iFIX with the superior ERP system.

The first stage of project was the analysis of the current state.

After the analysis, a new module was implemented, integrating the SCADA and the ERP system. Module exchanges data with the ERP system using an intermediary database, which replaced the data exchange standard based on XML files. The systems exchange information on the handling of production orders, updating inventory and production reporting: the amount of material collected for production and the amount of product produced. Additionally, the Windows operating system was updated.

What we managed to do:

Exchange of the ERP system, the need to replace the standard of communication with ERP
Implementation of the module for data exchange between SCADA iFIX and the ERP system and updating the system to the latest version due to the end of Windows support
The system has been updated and extended with a new data exchange module, thanks to which production data is exchanged automatically
End of support for the Windows operating system - Security vulnerabilities
Updating the operating system to the latest version
Increasing the safety of systems operation

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